Preliminary application study on manufacture of clinical removable partial denture framework using CAD/ CAM 可摘局部义齿铸造支架铸型CAD/CAM技术的临床初步应用研究
Objective: To improve retainers aesthetics and alleviate buccal retainers peculiar sense for patients with removable partial denture. 目的:改善铸造可摘局部义齿固位体的美观性,减轻颊侧固位体的异物感。
The use of affinis perfect impressions in fixed partial denture 瑞士硅胶印模材在固定义齿修复中的应用
Clinic Research of Bilateral Distal Extension Removable Partial Denture Fabricated by Altered Cast Impression Technique 牙列末端游离缺失采用套筒冠义齿修复的临床研究模型置换印模技术修复下颌游离端牙列缺损的临床研究
Individual Designs of Metal Frame Removable Partial Denture in Clinic 铸造支架可摘局部义齿的临床个性化设计
A pilot study of the effect of three removable partial denture retainers on periodontal health of the abutment teeth 可摘局部义齿3种固位体类型与基牙牙周健康的关系种植义齿两种设计及两种固位方式的生物力学研究
Study on Technology and Equipment of Removable Partial Denture Framework by Laser Rapid Prototyping 可摘除局部义齿支架激光快速成型技术与设备研究
Clinical application of Magnetic attachment in restoration of removable partial denture 磁性附着体在可摘局部义齿修复中的应用
Objective To increase the retention and stability of traditional removable partial denture. 目的:改进常规可摘局部义齿设计的不足,增进固位、稳定。
Application of fluoride-added resin in prevention of dental caries in abutment teeth of removable partial denture: a preliminary study 树脂加氟预防可摘局部义齿基牙龋的初步研究
Objective to discuss the application way for element library of dentition and the removable partial denture. 摘要目的探讨可摘局部义齿修复体模型库的应用方法。
Conclusion: it is feasible using designed buccal-lingual rest in repairing removable partial denture. 结论:在活动义齿修复中设计颊舌侧?支托是可行的。
Conclusions Comented fixed partial denture had better rigidity. 结论固定义齿黏结后其刚性增强。
Results After temporary treatment by splints of removable denture for3 to6 months, the dentitions were reconstructed with removable partial denture or fixed denture. 结果采用垫式可摘义齿过渡性修复3~6个月后,酌情采用固定义齿或可摘局部义齿修复。
Do not require the denture base and clasp like removable partial denture. 不需要活动假牙的基托与卡环;
The Influence of Luting Cements on in Vitro Mechanical Behavior of Fixed Partial Denture by Rosette Gauge Technique 不同黏结剂对固定义齿力学影响的体外研究
The cantilever fixed partial denture has often been considered as a poor prosthetic design by dentists, because of the frequently happened failure caused by biological and technical complications. 悬臂式固定局部义齿因为常常发生生物性与技术性的并发症造成失败,所以常被牙科医师认为是不良的补缀设计。
Clinical effect of removable partial denture prepared by Saddle-lock hidden-clasp 隐形卡环法制作局部可摘义齿临床效果观察
Restoration of single posterior tooth anodontia accompanied tilted distal abutment with resin bonded fixed partial denture 单个后牙缺失伴远端基牙倾斜的树脂黏结固定桥修复研究
Objective To evaluate the efficacy of cantilever fixed partial denture used for restoring the lost rear teeth. 目的:观察后牙单端固定桥修复个别后牙游离缺失的临床效果。
The effect of mental intervention on satisfaction of elderly patients with initially wearing removable partial denture 心理干预对老年患者佩戴可摘局部义齿修复满意度的影响
Quality of communication between dentists and dental technicians for removable partial denture 可摘局部义齿修复中的医技交流质量评估
Objective: To evaluate the clinical effect of restoring anterior teeth loss with glass fiber reinforced solid composite resin-bonded fixed partial denture ( GFRSC-RBFPD). 目的:评价纤维加强的硬质树脂粘结桥修复前牙缺失的临床效果。
Objective: To explore MK-1 attachment removable partial denture adaptation at distal-extended teeth missing cases. 目的:探索MK-1附着体可摘局部义齿修复牙列末端游离缺损病例的临床适应证。
Objective To establish photo-elastic model for mandibular unilateral distal-extension removable partial denture. 目的建立三维光弹模型,为研究游离端附着体义齿和其它义齿对支持组织的应力分布提供实验基础。
Objective: To construct three-dimensional finite element model of fixed partial denture. 目的:建立下颌固定义齿的三维有限元模型。
Separate Removable Partial Denture is a kind of special design Removable Partial Denture. 分割式可摘局部义齿是一种特殊设计的可摘局部义齿。
Then a 3-dimensional digital model of removable partial denture framework was created with CAD/ CAM software system. 在此基础上,在CAD/CAM软件系统中构建可摘局部义齿支架的三维数字模型。
Conclusion Silver amalgam is an ideal material for hind abutment cricoid caries caused by removable partial denture. 结论银汞合金为修复可摘局部义齿引起的后基牙环状龋的较理想材料。
Objective: To Review different type attachments fixed Removable partial denture effect in clinical use. 目的:观察不同类型附着体固位可摘义齿的临床效果。